The Behavior Analysts’ Concern In Africa
By Dr. Usifo Edward Asikhia BCBA-D,QBA,LBA,ACTTP
Clinical Director International Training Center for Applied Behavior Analysis, Lagos Nigeria.
The necessity for quality access to training and access to affective Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for the treatment of Autistic children in Nigeria continuous access to effective ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) training and services in impoverished nations.
Global application of Behavior Analysis is evolving, and its trajectory has brought forth a cause for concern, particularly in impoverished nations. The age-old wisdom, “the poor shall never cease out of the land,” resonates with renewed significance as we explore the challenges faced by poor nations.
This paper seeks to delve into the shifting landscape of Behavior Analysis, and to emphasize the necessity of ensuring continuous access to effective ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) training and services in impoverished nations.
In this 21st century, Africa is seen by other nations as a ‘dark continent’ and it continues to exist as unexplored and or under-explored as far as the globalization of the Science of Behavior Analysis and services is concerned.
The World Health Organization has described specifically, the situation with the most vulnerable ones with autism and related disabilities in Africa as a ‘developmental disability pandemic’ that is; largely under-recognized, under- appreciated in its impact, and under -resourced.
This situation in African nations has become very alarming given the current great increase in population of the African continent. According to an October 2023 special section of the New York Times, in coming decades, the population of the African continent will increase enormously.
It is projected to far outstrip the growth expected on any other continent. In the process, by 2050 about 35% of people aged 15 to 24 will live in African nations. In that same period, Nigeria is projected to become the third most populous nation in the world.
Nearly two-thirds of Nigeria’s 200 million people now live on less than $2 a day, according to new data from the National Bureau of Statistics. Almost 133 million Nigerians, or 63% of the population, are “multi-dimensionally poor,” meaning they suffer simultaneously from multiple disadvantages including a lack of access to clean energy, housing, health care, water and sanitation,
Roughly 10 million Africans are estimated to be in the ASD bracket. Nigeria is about 15.5% of African population; therefore, about 1.5 million Nigerians may have been involved. About August 31st, 2011, the BACB Certificant Registry indicated that just one BCBA Certificant (among others unknown officially) exists in Africa to address the needs of about 10 million children with ASD in Africa continent!
The QABA credentialing register now shows about 128 Behavior Analysis professionals in Nigeria to provide competent services and other care for those individuals with special needs and others.
Nearly two-thirds of Nigeria’s 200 million people now live on less than $2 a day, according to new data from the National Bureau of Statistics.
From time to time, we come across clients who find it very difficult to off-set their care service bill. These service consumers pass through terrible agony waiting patiently for help from above through such means as unknown philanthropists or some distant relations. Some of them don’t just pay thus shutting the door for them to come back to the facility in future when they are in dire need. Those allowed to pay in installments often default with or without surety. This is obviously far from the best. The scriptures, governments world over and all of us recognize the need to care for such people.
According to Akande, et.al, the most common source of money for settling healthcare bills in Nigeria is from relations (46.6%).29.8% take loans, up to 2.1% sold properties while only 13.1% were able to pay from their savings (Akande, TM, Ogunrinola, EO, 1999)
*Increased engagement? – No
*Enhanced training? – No
*Effective communication/dialogue for better understanding? – No
* Principles of Parsimony followed? – No
* There are instances where professional practices may not seamlessly align with the socio-cultural realities of impoverished nations.
There is therefore the need to strike a delicate balance between global best practices and local nuances. This is essential for the successful application of Behavior Analysis.
*ABAI Tiered model of Education
Concept for Nigeria appears to look like a pyramid standing on its head as shown below. No one can climb a tree from top downwards!
The point is to identify the concept from Nigeria [based on context/culture/need/principles of parsimony] and harp on the expectations for inclusive practices that emphasize the importance of adapting ABA approaches to suit the unique cultural and contextual nuances present in impoverished nations. The degree of Cultural and Economic sensitivity will, no doubt, come to the fore.
However, a potential dissonance between internationally recognized standards and local contexts pose challenges to effective ABA implementation. These take into consideration instances where professional practices may not seamlessly align with the socio-cultural realities of impoverished nations.
There is the need to strike a delicate balance between global best practices and local nuances for the successful application of Behavior Analysis.
Behavior Analysis professionals and related professionals need to be cautious of instances of dissonance and consider cultural nuances in behavior interventions/training programs. This calls for the balancing global best practices will involve training in cultural competence.
There is also the need to be cognizant of the Client- to- ABA Professional ratio . For instance, as at May 27, 2024, Nigeria’s population stood at 228,597,211, according to the Worldometer – United Nations Data, a situation which calls for concern. It also highlights the enormity of response efforts required to write the board examination/maintaining the certifications to outright exclusion. For the other credentialling bodies, internet and power to sustain communication with them remain a challenge.
There is therefore an urgent need to provide a sustainable environment for pseudoscience to grow and thrive.The potential incubation and multiplication of pseudoscientific practices pose a significant threat to service recipients, as nature abhors a vacuum
Another grave concern is the proliferation of ‘harmful service/products for community consumption locally and internationally. This situation is negates the interest of the Autism community as well as stakeholders particularly the families of autistic children and schools.
❑ Stakeholders – insurance, schools, families
❑ Autism community
❑ Medical model of care expectation from parents
❑ Advocacy network of disabilities
ETHICAL CONCERNS – legal person
Cultural responsiveness & diversity
Inequity regarding response efforts needed
Inequity regarding response opportunities
Inattention to lacuna the has the potentials for promoting incubation of pseudoscience
Failure to protect the profession of the
Science of Behavior Analysis adequately.
The poor nations are curious to know if the ‘sun of the science of Behavior Analysis is gradually setting over them following the exit of B.F. Skinner, Sidney W. Bijou, Shook, Jose Martinez-Diaz, Iwata e.tc….
These signs as seen, are pathognomonic of emerging lacuna. Because nature does not allow a vacuum to exist, there is the potential for incubation and multiplication of the practice of pseudoscience with resultant harm to the service recipients.
This development calls for a strategic review and change of approach to the advancement and sustenance of the science of Behavior Analysis in the developing nations!
It does signal a need for collaborative efforts, innovative strategies, and a renewed commitment to ensuring that effective ABA training and services continue to reach those in need, irrespective of economic constraints. *A comprehensive and inclusive approach is paramount for addressing the unique challenges faced by impoverished nations. *Fostering a trajectory that is not only effective but also sustainable in the global application of Behavior Analysis.
By doing so, we can truly contribute to building a more equitable and accessible landscape for Behavior Analysis worldwide.
After all, Lord God was the first Behavior Analyst: He gave the first Verbal Prompt – ‘go ye into the world and multiply’. He established the first rule that governed the behavior for Adam and Eve among others.
He stated thus: “For the poor shall never cease out of the land therefore I command thee, saying, thou shall open thy hand wide unto thy brother, to the poor and to the needy in thy land.” (Deuteronomy 15:11).
The wise Behavior Analyst needs to recognize the Lord as his mentor on this note.
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5.Crisis of Professional Identity and Power Play: Inhibitory Implications on Competent Practice
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New York Times- Special Section: October 2023. Worldometer United Nation Data – May 27 2024.