‘More women in governance ‘ll make the difference’

(Left), Dr. Amadi, (National Coordinator WITED) Engr. Omokungbe (Rector YABATECH) and Wardee

By Millicent Ifeanyichukwu

Dr. Regina Amadi, the National Coordinator, Women in Technical Education and Development (WITED), Nigeria, says more women should be given opportunity in various sectors  for the nation to develop.

Amadi made this known at the 8th International WITED conference and national award ceremony in Lagos with the theme: ”Gender Parity, Security and Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable National Development”.

She said there would be more progress in development of the nation when women with foresight occupied leadership positions, particularly in governance.

According to her, the more women are given chance in politics, leadership, technology, science, economics and other notable endeavours, the more the progress in the society.

“Women are committed, passionate and enthusiastic in nation building geared towards a peaceful, decent, harmonious and successful nation for all, only when given the opportunity.

“WITED is also dedicated to building a broad and effective network of highly credible women, positive partner and support our institutional management for goal achievements and conflict-free environment,” she said.

The coordinator charged women to improve on their game, especially in technical areas and science as well as stand up in key leadership positions to enhance gender equality.

She noted that women should aspire to  occupy leadership position by merit against any form of indecent kindness’.

Amadi added that the award was in recognition of those who have made outstanding contributions to technical education and social-economic development in the nation.

The Rector of Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH), Mr Obafemi Omokungbe, said that WITED Nigeria, had contributed to the upliftment of knowledge and increase in women participation in the sector.

Omokungbe said that the  management of the college would continue to partner and provide necessary support to WITED in fulfilling its vision.

“Since its establishment, WITED has contributed immensely to the development and improved participation of the women gender in science and technical education at all levels, this is indeed commendable,” he added.

The rector applauded WITED executives adding that, ”It is gratifying to know that the body had kept faith running with the annual conference”. (NAN)
