Grassroots Addressing and Identity Network (GAIN) is gaining grounds in ‘’ Addressing the unaddressed, getting cheap, original medications(technology to curb fake drugs menace) to very remote and blighted areas, unlocking dead Capitals, access to credit, e- employment, security enhancement, empowering the digital natives, MSMEs, etc.’’
‘ Much of the population of developing countries lack access to credit not because they lack assets, but because ownership of their property is secured informally, which prevents the use of property as collateral’, according to the popular Peruvian economist, Hernando de Sotoan insider.
GAIN is determined to change the narrative with several technology driven initiatives .
”Extraordinary things I’m doing….ordinary things no de move me again’……Zinolessky!
Communicate with the Yoruba Youths in the language they understand….and see the transformation!
Details later……