*Training and networking workshop for journalists from Africa April 2021 to February 2022

The taz Panter foundation committed to promoting independent journalism and is closely linked to “taz, die tageszeitung”, an independent daily German newspaper, is offering a free of charge training and networking workshop for journalists from 16 African countries from April 2021 to February 2022.
The Africa workshop which is funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany will have an equal number of male and female participants. It will improve networking among African journalists as well as with European colleagues and representatives of civil society as well as strengthen the skills and insights of the participants in globally relevant debates.
Applications, which are to be submitted not later than March 19, 2021, will be received from journalists from 16 African countries including Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Ruanda, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe.
One participant will be selected from each country.
Working language will be English. Fluent proficiency is mandatory.
Journalists from all fields – Print, TV, Radio, Online –, employed or freelance, can apply. Experience in journalism must be proven with appropriate references. The workshop is particularly aimed at journalists who have never or rarely had the chance to take part in an international training.
The workshop is divided into two parts:
1.) A 10-session webinar-series with experts from civil society and trainers on a key topic every three weeks from April to December 2021.
The topics are:
– Covid-19 and the global south
– Climate change
– Corruption
– Fake news and disinformation
– Hate speech and social media
– Migration
– Gender
– Digital Security
– Investigative journalism
All participants will be regularly compensated for their contribution of articles to be written as part of the webinars.
In the last third of the online workshop, the participants will develop a print-magazine to be published in German and English.
2.) A 7-day all-expense-paid workshop in Berlin in February 2022. Participating journalists will have the opportunity to meet personally and exchange ideas with German-based actors from the fields of NGOs, science, other media professionals as well as activists and government agencies.
Application form should include:
– a short CV (maximum 500 characters)
– statement of motivation with e-mail-contact of 2 journalistic reference persons, who may be contacted by taz Panter Foundation (maximum 500 characters)
– 3 samples of applicant’s journalistic work (only as URL / Weblink!)
– applicant’s social media profile
– for applicants from non-English speaking countries, a proof of fluent English language skills is required.
At the end of March, successful applicants will receive a confirmation of participation.
Enquiries should be sent to: